End of the Month Recap: May 2015

2015-06-02 21.47.07Even though I didn’t post much, I logged 16 miles and 12 runs during the month of May.

It was an improvement from April.

In general, the last month has been a renewal of motivation. I got back on a more challenging workout schedule of 4 days a week. I began running again. It’s set me up for an even better June. I’ve modified my workout schedule so that I increase intensity I’m also doing a 30 day plank challenge.

Oh yeah, and I also added to my Pandora bracelet! I was so happy. I think the last time I bought a charm was probably February. It was nice to see some movement.

I’m continuing the 4 workouts a week but now I gradually increase active time to an hour. So day 1 is 30 minutes, day 2 is 45 minutes, and day 3 and 4 are both an hour.

Not only am I running, but I’ve also incorporated the elliptical as well as weight lifting. I think a little change of scenery was just what I needed.

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1 2 3, 1 2 3, Drink.

Party girls don’t get hurt
Can’t feel anything, when will I learn
I push it down, push it down

I discovered Sia’s album “1000 Forms of Fear” and I swear, she is my spirit animal. I’ve declared it as The Official Soundtrack of My Life for the Last 3 years.

I’m walking a fine line between coping and escaping these days. Actually I’ve been walking that line for a while now, some days I’ll feel like I’ve got things under control, other days I’ll feel like I’m losing it.

In order to keep my free time from being entirely composed of boozing and sexing, I’m prioritizing my healthier habits like working out, painting, writing, and meditating.

I finished my first painting two weeks ago and I’ve started a second one. I’ve modified my workout routine to 4 days a week. Day 1 is 30 minutes, day 2 is 45 minutes, and day 3 and 4 are an hour long. I seem to respond well to making plans and changing routines.

But nevertheless I’m staying occupied, trying to keep my calendar filled with different activities and projects, partly out of necessity and partly out of fear. Fear of what may happen if I were to stop or slow down. Fear of what would be there, waiting for me.

Treading Water

Jim raised me up
He hurt me but it felt like true love
Jim taught me that
Loving him was never enough

I’ve been listening to Lana Del Rey nonstop the last week or so. Her music matches my mood these days. It’s like emotional cutting without the knife.

Sitting in my therapist’s office yesterday, I realized I did not see a future for myself. Where did I want to be in a year? Where do I see myself in 3 years? 5 years? I had no answer.

I feel like I’m swimming through muddy water. Weighed down with no sense of what was within arm’s reach. It’s hard to focus right now. I’ve lost all sense of time. The only thing keeping me going is my calendar of scheduled events. It keeps me sane.

“Life has to be more than just work and relationships,” she said. “You need to find your purpose in life. Without that, things can get depressing quickly.”

She was right. I was losing my grip. I needed to find my way back to land.

Photo credit: Michael David Adams Photography

Fostering an Environment for Growth

When I was younger, I disliked change. I was comfortable in the familiar. I think part of that fear is deeply connected to not accepting one’s own mortality. But as I became older, I realized that change is necessary to allow for growth. Now I embrace it.

In my therapy session this week, we continued to focus on improving my mood. I admitted that while I was only wavering at 75% of the way there, I said I was better than I had been the previous week.

As we were putting together my homework assignments, I commented to her that I think awareness is an important tool for me so I wanted to be sure to track my accomplishments in each area on a daily basis.

“I think novelty is a huge motivator for me as well,” I said. “So maybe if I also mention I need to introduce an element of novelty in each area–like something new, or something different–I think that would help increase my happiness.”

Novelty. This is an important element in signifying progress. Learning something new, accomplishing new goals, stepping outside your comfort zone… These are all things that, when done over time, can create a sense of change.

How do you feel about change? Do you welcome it or do you hesitantly accept it?

Returning the Balance

“How has your mood been in the last two weeks?”

“I feel like I am spinning out of control… like I’ve fallen off the wagon and not just hit rock bottom, but started to dig. I feel like yes, I am in this hole. This is where I want to be for now. I’ve been overeating, overdrinking, overeverything the last few days. I gave myself a limit. I said, ‘Ok, you can have this weekend. Do whatever you want, however much of it you want, but on Monday, it all comes to an end and your carriage turns back into a pumpkin.'”

“What do you think fueled that binge?” she asked.

“Anger,” I said. “So much anger that I’ve been holding in these last few weeks. And frustration.”

“When your binge came to an end, how did you feel?” she asked.

“Awful,” I said. “Worse because now I have to recover from the binge.”

Therapy is such a taboo subject. It’s often assumed that if you’re seeing a therapist, you’re probably dealing with some serious mental health issues. Sometimes it’s not though. Sometimes it’s just about applying rational thinking to actions.

I openly talk about going to a therapist. I don’t flaunt it, but I don’t hide it either. I’ve learned so much from it because it brings a level of awareness to my actions that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to address. I’ve always believed that enlightenment is the first step to making things better.

If I’m having an off week, like I have been lately, one of the first things we always look at is where in my life am I lacking? Or what am I getting too much of? What is causing me stress?

Last week, I went for a walk in the middle of the day for the first time in weeks. My view from the park bench was much different from what I remembered. The trees were full of leaves now, bringing shade to the benches below. The park fountains were bubbling. This was a much different park from what I remembered and it reminded me that I’ve been so far off the path.

I think I’ve removed the source of the stress, now it’s just a matter of returning the balance.